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Mari Carmen Almarcha

New papers accepted

Good news for the group. New papers have been accepted and will be published soon. – Garcia-Retortillo, S., Rizzo, R., Wang, J., Sitges, C., & Ivanov, P. (2020). Universal spectral profile and dynamic evolution of muscle activation: a hallmark of muscle type and physiological state. Journal of Applied Physiology. – Prats-Puig, A., Garcia-Retortillo, S., Puig-Parnau, M., Vasileva, F., Font-Lladó, […]

New paper: Updating exercise prescription in health and disease

The aim of this paper is to review these assumptions on the basis of complex systems science and network physiology, and update the current exercise prescription accordingly. First, we describe the one-size-fit all approach of current recommendations and question the rationale of the scientific evidences behind. Afterwards we update the basic assumptions related to the […]

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