6th International Congress on Complex Systems in Sports 2020
This edition will be held in Mainz from 22nd to 25th September 2020. The registration system for the 6th International Congress on Complex Systems in Sports 2020 is open now! You can register and submit your abstract in here: https://iccss2020.com/
The ICCSS is a unique opportunity for researchers, practitioners, teachers, trainers, coaches, performance analysts and educational developers to address current challenges and advances in the field of sport science. This year’s motto of the congress “Moving Minds – Crossing Boundaries in Sport Science” is based on the scientific culture of the hosting Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, which invites to an active change and a common crossing of borders in science. The motto of this year’s congress addresses how emerging and future approaches in theory and practice can be used in a meaningful way to enhance the understanding of sporting people, to contribute to efficient and effective training, and to assess the added value new analytical approaches.
The main aim of all congress sessions is to encourage participants from across fields to share knowledge, provide new insights and inspire the future of complex systems research in sports. Sessions also offer a platform to create inter- and cross-disciplinary contacts and collaborations.