Ja tenim aquí el Seminari de recerca del Grup d’investigació edició 2022!!!! 📅 Presencial el pròxim dissabte 11 de juny a la Seu d’Urgell Ubicació No t’ho pots perdre!
Category: Blog
5th International Conference on Future of Education 2022
5th International Conference on Future of Education 2022 which will be held on 16th – 17th June 2022 in Virtual Platform. We hope Future Education 2022 will unite diverse researches and case studies from all over the world, in parallel sessions while offering many networking and publishing opportunities. Discover the latest trends and challenges in the field at […]
International Summer Institute on Network Physiology (ISINP)
This international summer institute will integrate empirical and theoretical knowledge across disciplines with the aim to understand in different contexts, from extensive data analysis and modeling approaches to clinical practice, how diverse physiological systems and sub-systems dynamically interact to produce health and disease. This will be an interactive event with lectures ranging from physics and […]
COER 2022 Sevilla
Anunciamos la VI Edición del Congreso Internacional de Optimización del Entrenamiento y Readaptación Físico-Deportiva donde participará Natàlia Balagué como invitada con la ponencia: “Fisiología del Ejercicio de Redes: más allá de una perspectiva molecular y ÓMICA”. 📅 Será presencial y online los dias 21 y 22 de mayo en Sevilla. Para mas información: https://congresodeoptimizacion.com/