We are pleased to announce that the 6th edition of the International Congress on Complex Systems in Sports (ICCSS) will take place virtually.
The ICCSS Board has continued to monitor how COVID-19 and the vaccination situation will impact the world activities. Unfortunately, due to the continued uncertainty caused by this global pandemic, it will be not possible to host a physical Congress in 2021. ICCSS2021 will therefore be held virtually so that our community can attend safely from home. We are confident that this is the best option for everyone.
Our new Congress dates will be the 15th-17th September 2021
The ICCSS is a unique opportunity for researchers, practitioners, teachers, coaches, performance analysts and sport educators to address current challenges and advances in the field of sport sciences. The motto of this year’s congress, “Moving Minds – Crossing Boundaries in Sport Science”, is based on the scientific culture of the host University of Mainz, which calls for active change and a common crossing of boundaries in science.
In addition to the keynote speakers’ contribution, seven selected congress presentations will be published in a Special Issue in the Human Movement Science Journal (Elsevier).
From the submitted oral and poster presentations, these participants will be invited to publish their contributions in the Special Issue. These Abstracts will be selected by the Scientific Committee and then all of them will undergo the usual review process of Human Movement Science.
Deadline for Submissions: 30th May (23.59 CET)
To more information: https://iccss2020.com/
Join to the facebook group to stay tunned: https://www.facebook.com/groups/286593226073310
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