Us anunciem que aquest dijous 21 d’octubre es celebrarà a l’aula 105 de la Facultat de Física i Química la conferència: “Els Premis Nobel de Física 2021“. 14.00 – 14.30 h Pel descobriment d’una nova organització de la matèria. Dr. Fèlix Ritort. 14.30 – 15.00 h La insuportable senzillesa dels sistemes complexos. Dra. Ileana Bladé i Dr. Javier García Serrano Esperem que sigui del vostre […]
Category: Blog
Symposium on Network Physiology
We announce the Symposium on Network Physiology, to be hosted during the European Physiology Day (EPD) 2021 for Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS) next October 14th at 2-4 pm CET. Registration is free, but required to fill out an online form. Zoom link for the meeting will be sent to the registered participants in […]
New article: Cardiorespiratory Coordination During Exercise in Adults With Down Syndrome
New article has been published in Frontiers of Physiology: Cardiorrespiratory Coordination during exercise in adults with down syndrome by: Guillermo R. Oviedo, Sergi Garcia-Retortillo, María Carbó-Carreté, Myriam Guerra-Balic, Natàlia Balagué, Casimiro Javierre and Joan Guàrdia-Olmos Read the full article
New article: Response Variability and Detraining Effects of Standardized Exercise Programs
New article has been published in Austin Sports Medicine Journal: Response Variability and Detraining Effects of Standardized Exercise Programs by: Jordi Martín-Guillaumes Lluc Montull Pola JL Ventura Casimiro Javierre Daniel Aragonés Natàlia Balagué Read the full article