Category: Blog
6th International Congress on Complex System in Sports 2021
We are pleased to announce that the 6th edition of the International Congress on Complex Systems in Sports (ICCSS) will take place virtually. The ICCSS Board has continued to monitor how COVID-19 and the vaccination situation will impact the world activities. Unfortunately, due to the continued uncertainty caused by this global pandemic, it will be not possible […]
New article: Proprioceptive Dialogue – Interpersonal Synergies During a Cooperative Slackline Task
New article has been published in Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences: Proprioceptive Dialogue – Interpersonal Synergies During a Cooperative Slackline Task Lluc Montull Pedro Passos Lluis Rocas Joao Milho Natàlia Balagué Read the full article
New article: Flow dynamics during incremental velocity running
New article has been published in Journal of Complexity in Health Sciences: Flow dynamics during incremental velocity running by Aleix Gibert Natàlia Balagué Carlota Torrents Gershon Tenenbaum Read the full article